Elementor Server Error 500 Elementor Error 500

Elementor Server Error 500: Troubleshooting and Resolving the Issue

As a website owner or developer using Elementor, you understand the importance of a seamless editing experience and a well-functioning website. However, encountering Elementor Server Error 500, also known as the Elementor internal server error, can be a frustrating setback. This error can disrupt your ability to access the Elementor editor, making it challenging to create and modify web pages as desired.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Elementor Error 500, exploring its causes and providing step-by-step troubleshooting techniques to help you resolve the issue. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools to overcome Error 500 and regain control over your Elementor-powered website.

By understanding the common causes behind Elementor Server Error 500 and implementing the recommended solutions, you’ll be able to optimize your website’s performance, enhance user experience, and ensure the smooth functioning of Elementor. So, let’s dive in and troubleshoot Server Error 500 Elementor to create a website that stands out from the competition.

In the final section of this article, we will delve into a range of potential strategies and actionable steps that can be taken to effectively resolve the persistent problem of encountering an Elementor error 500 when saving or updating your work. By examining various approaches and implementing practical solutions, we aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge and resources to overcome this issue and ensure a smooth and error-free experience with Elementor.

Understanding Elementor Server Error 500

Elementor Server Error 500

If you’re an Elementor user and have come across the frustrating Error 500, commonly known as the Internal Server Error, you’re not alone. This error can disrupt your website’s functionality and prevent you from accessing the Elementor editor. However, with the right troubleshooting steps, you can resolve this issue and get back to building stunning web pages with ease.

In this article, we’ll explore the causes of Elementor Error 500 and guide you through the process of troubleshooting and resolving it. By following these steps, you can overcome this obstacle and optimize your website’s performance.

Let’s design, maintain, and perfect your dream website!

cta1 - Elementor Server Error 500,Elementor Error 500,Elementor server error 500 when saving,server error 500 elementor,Elementor internal server error

Causes of Elementor Error 500

500 Elementor Error Causes

Elementor Error 500 is often triggered by conflicts between plugins, themes, or server-related issues. Let’s delve into the common causes behind this error:

  • Plugin or Theme Conflict: Incompatibilities between Elementor and other installed plugins or themes can lead to Error 500. When certain code snippets or functions clash, it can result in a server error.
  • Insufficient PHP Memory Limit: If your website’s PHP memory limit is too low, Elementor may fail to execute properly and display Error 500. Insufficient memory can restrict the plugin’s operations and cause server errors.
  • File and Folder Permissions: Incorrect file and folder permissions can prevent Elementor from functioning correctly, resulting in Error 500. Improper permissions may restrict access to necessary files and folders, causing the server error.

Solving Elementor Error 500 Video Tutorial

This video tutorial delves into effective solutions for solving the Elementor Server Error 500. The occurrence of this error generally suggests an internal server problem that hampers the proper functioning of Elementor. By comprehending the potential causes and adhering to the troubleshooting steps delineated in this tutorial, individuals can effectively diagnose and rectify the issue. This enables them to resume website development seamlessly, free from any interruptions.

Troubleshooting Server Error 500 Elementor

To resolve Elementor Error 500 and restore the functionality of the Elementor editor, follow these troubleshooting steps:

Check Server Requirements

Ensure that your server meets the necessary requirements for Elementor to function optimally. Check that your server has the recommended PHP version and modules installed. Additionally, verify that the server has sufficient resources available, such as CPU and memory.

Disable Conflicting Plugins and Themes

Identify and deactivate any plugins or themes that could potentially conflict with Elementor. Temporarily disabling these conflicting elements will help determine if they are the cause of Error 500. Disable them one by one and test Elementor after each deactivation to identify the specific culprit.

Increase PHP Memory Limit

If your website’s PHP memory limit is too low, it can trigger Elementor Error 500. To increase the memory limit, access your website’s wp-config.php file and add the following line of code:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Save the file and reload your website to see if the error is resolved. If the issue persists, you may need to contact your web host to further increase the PHP memory limit.

Check File and Folder Permissions

Incorrect file and folder permissions can interfere with Elementor’s functionality and cause Error 500. Ensure that the relevant directories have the correct permissions set. Generally, folders should have a permission setting of 755, while files should be set to 644.

Outdated versions of Elementor or its associated plugins can sometimes lead to Error 500. Regularly updating Elementor and its extensions is essential to ensure compatibility and address any known bugs or conflicts. Check for updates in the WordPress dashboard and apply them accordingly.

Resolving Server Error 500 in Elementor

Looking to fix server error 500 in Elementor? Check out this helpful article for practical solutions and step-by-step instructions to overcome this issue and get back to building your website smoothly:

Fix Elementor Error 500 on Website Pages

When Error show on All Website Pages

If you encounter a server error 500 on all of your website pages, you can attempt to resolve the issue by following these steps:

  1. Back up your site: Begin by creating a backup of your website to ensure your content and settings are safely stored.
  2. Update Elementor and Elementor Pro: Verify that you are using the latest versions of both Elementor and Elementor Pro. Keeping them up to date can help resolve compatibility issues.
  3. Deactivate other plugins: Temporarily deactivate all active plugins, excluding Elementor and Elementor Pro. Check if the error persists. Then, reactivate your plugins one by one to identify any conflicting plugins that may be causing the error.

When Error shows on a Specific Page

If you only experience the server error 500 on a specific page, you can follow these steps to address the issue:

  1. Navigate to the problematic page: Access the page where the error is occurring.
  2. Save the page as a template: Locate the arrow icon next to the Update/Publish button and click on it. Choose the “Save as Template” option and assign a name to the template. Save it.
  3. Import the template to a new page: Open a new page and click on “Add template.” Select “My Templates” and click on “Import” next to the template you saved earlier.
Screenshot 501 - Elementor Server Error 500,Elementor Error 500,Elementor server error 500 when saving,server error 500 elementor,Elementor internal server error

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address the Elementor Error 500 either on all website pages or on specific pages, ensuring smooth functionality and uninterrupted website building.

Troubleshooting Elementor Server Error 500 When Saving

Encountering server errors, such as the Elementor Error 500, can be frustrating when working on your website. These errors can disrupt the smooth functioning of Elementor and hinder your ability to save your progress. However, by understanding the potential causes and implementing effective troubleshooting steps, you can overcome these obstacles and continue building your website without interruptions. In this guide, we will explore various solutions and strategies to help you resolve the Elementor Server Error 500 when saving, ensuring a seamless website-building experience.

Checking PHP Server Logs

When encountering an error 500 or a Server Error while saving in Elementor, it is crucial to examine the PHP server logs to troubleshoot the issue. While memory shortage is a common cause, other circumstances may also contribute, and the server logs can provide insights into the exact reason. Contact your hosting company to obtain the PHP error logs for your server. Consider the following solutions:

  1. Erase sections on the page: Try removing certain sections from the page you are saving and see if it allows you to proceed. You can restore them using Elementor’s revision history feature.
  2. Increase WP memory limit: Adjust the memory limit to meet your requirements and activate the debug mode in WordPress to determine the exact amount of memory needed. It is recommended to seek assistance from your hosting provider for further guidance.
  3. Decrease post revisions: Reduce or clear the number of post revisions stored in the database. Insufficient memory to handle the save function due to numerous revisions can trigger the error. Plugins like WP Sweep can assist in managing revisions effectively.
  4. Divide work into templates: If increasing the memory limit does not resolve the issue, consider dividing your work into multiple templates and paste them into separate pages.
  5. Handling admin-ajax.php timeouts: Saving issues may arise when the admin-ajax.php script times out. Check the error messages in your browser console. If you see “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413,” add the following directives to your .htaccess file to increase the dynamic timeout:

    <IfModule mod_dtimeout.c> <Files ~ “.php”> SetEnvIf Request_URI “admin-ajax.php” DynamicTimeout=150 </Files> </IfModule>

Addressing Server Parameter and Security Plugin Issues

Elementor server error 500 when saving can also be caused by server parameters and security plugins. Consider the following steps to resolve specific scenarios:

  1. HTTP/HTTPS conflicts: If the issue relates to conflicts between HTTP and HTTPS, adding an SSL certificate to your site can help resolve it. Afterward, update the site URL from your WP Dashboard in Elementor > Tools > Replace URL.
  2. 403 error when updating a page: A security plugin like WordFence or others might cause a 403 error. Activate the learning mode of the plugin or contact their support for assistance. Additionally, the server firewall could contribute to this issue, so it is advisable to check with your hosting company.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address the Elementor server error 500 when saving, ensuring smooth functionality and uninterrupted saving process in Elementor.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Elementor Error 500?

Elementor Error 500, also known as the Internal Server Error, is a server-side error that occurs when something goes wrong on the web server but it fails to provide a more specific error message. This error prevents the proper functioning of Elementor and can hinder your ability to edit or create web pages.

2. Why am I encountering Elementor Server Error 500?

Elementor Error 500 can be caused by various factors, including conflicts between plugins or themes, insufficient PHP memory limit, and incorrect file or folder permissions.

3. How can I fix Elementor Error 500?

To fix Elementor Error 500, you can follow these troubleshooting steps: check server requirements, disable conflicting plugins and themes, increase PHP memory limit, and check file and folder permissions. Updating Elementor and related plugins to their latest versions can also help resolve this issue.

4. Can incompatible themes or plugins cause Elementor Error 500?

Yes, incompatible themes or plugins can cause conflicts with Elementor, resulting in Error 500. It is recommended to disable and test each plugin or theme individually to identify the specific one causing the conflict.

5. Why should I keep my Elementor and plugins up to date?

Keeping Elementor and its associated plugins up to date is crucial to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress version and maintain the security and performance of your website. Updates often include bug fixes, new features, and improved compatibility, reducing the chances of encountering errors like Error 500.


Elementor Error 500 can be frustrating, but with the proper troubleshooting steps, you can overcome this obstacle and continue building exceptional web pages using the Elementor editor. By checking server requirements, disabling conflicting plugins and themes, increasing the PHP memory limit, and verifying file and folder permissions, you can resolve this issue and optimize your website’s performance.

Remember to keep Elementor and its associated plugins up to date to avoid potential conflicts and ensure the smooth functioning of your website. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to tackle Elementor Error 500 effectively and focus on creating visually stunning websites without any hindrances.

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